速報APP / 商業 / True Proof

True Proof



檔案大小:8.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


True Proof(圖1)-速報App

True Proof calculates the true proof of a water-alcohol mixture at a reference temperature, using the measured apparent proof from a hydrometer reading and the temperature at the time of the reading.

True Proof(圖2)-速報App

True Proof also performs gauging calculations, and can calculate dilutions taking full account of the temperature-dependent nonideal mixing of water and alcohol.

True Proof(圖3)-速報App

Calculations are logged, and may be annotated and emailed for archiving.

True Proof(圖4)-速報App

Multiple units support large-scale distillers and hobby-scale distillers alike, in the US and abroad: concentration measurement in proof, ABV, or density ; temperature in °F or °C; abundance in US gallon, liter, pound, kg, US ton, or metric tonne, etc.

True Proof(圖5)-速報App

The reference temperature can be selected for US (60ºF) or international (20ºC), or any other value in the range [-20ºC,40ºC]. The instrument thermal expansivity can be selected, which enables application to vibrating tube densitometers in addition to hydrometers.

Two separate computational models are employed - one based on the (US) TTB gauging manual, and one based on OIML (UK, EU, Canada, etc) data.
